November 27, 2019
Hi Everyone,
As you are aware most recent posts on the site have been focusing on the generosity and community support Tracy’s Dream has received. There have been so many acts of kindness it is really difficult to acknowledge every one of you on the site. We are grateful to all of you. I want to share some of Tracy’s Dreams activities of the past 10 months of 2019. We also want to let you know that all your time, efforts and financial resources continue to ease the financial burden a cancer patient experiences, through paid parking at SAH.
The information and data collected below is from the first 10 months of 2019
Tracy’s Dream has responded to 761 calls from cancer patients.
Provided 4048 parking tokens at a cost of $24.288.00
Provided 180 pre-paid monthly parking vouchers (given when a patient exceeds 11 appointments in a 30 day period) at a cost of $12,000.60 Total parking relief supplied to cancer patients is $36,888.60
Averaged 76 calls per month, between three locations. The average cost per call is $48.47
The average amount of appointments a cancer patient has in a 30 day period is 8.
Although the average number of appointments is remaining consistent comparing to previous years the number of calls is continuing to steadily increase.
Average number of patients expressing gratitude and appreciation… Every single patient sincerely expresses these sentiments at one time or another. From the patient, through us and forwarded to you. We really believe that it is important that you know this from the patients.
Your continued dedication and support to Tracy’s Dream has allowed us to continue helping cancer patients reduce some of the stress and worry associated with the disease, allowing more energy for them to focus on getting better. Thank You
Hi Everyone,
As you are aware most recent posts on the site have been focusing on the generosity and community support Tracy’s Dream has received. There have been so many acts of kindness it is really difficult to acknowledge every one of you on the site. We are grateful to all of you. I want to share some of Tracy’s Dreams activities of the past 10 months of 2019. We also want to let you know that all your time, efforts and financial resources continue to ease the financial burden a cancer patient experiences, through paid parking at SAH.
The information and data collected below is from the first 10 months of 2019
Tracy’s Dream has responded to 761 calls from cancer patients.
Provided 4048 parking tokens at a cost of $24.288.00
Provided 180 pre-paid monthly parking vouchers (given when a patient exceeds 11 appointments in a 30 day period) at a cost of $12,000.60 Total parking relief supplied to cancer patients is $36,888.60
Averaged 76 calls per month, between three locations. The average cost per call is $48.47
The average amount of appointments a cancer patient has in a 30 day period is 8.
Although the average number of appointments is remaining consistent comparing to previous years the number of calls is continuing to steadily increase.
Average number of patients expressing gratitude and appreciation… Every single patient sincerely expresses these sentiments at one time or another. From the patient, through us and forwarded to you. We really believe that it is important that you know this from the patients.
Your continued dedication and support to Tracy’s Dream has allowed us to continue helping cancer patients reduce some of the stress and worry associated with the disease, allowing more energy for them to focus on getting better. Thank You